DeepONet: a deep-learning-based framework for approximating linear and nonlinear operators

Delighted to convene the inaugural meeting of the research team for the coordinated POTENTIAL project in Cartagena. Our discussions on electromechanics, optimal control, and deep-learning algorithms were exceptionally fruitful, fostering an atmosphere of collaboration and innovation. Excited to witness the promising developments that will emerge as we continue to work together towards our shared objectives.Grant … Read more

New paper: “Learning nonlinear constitutive models in finite strain electromechanics with Gaussian process predictors” 

The first paper authored by our PhD student, Alberto Pérez Escolar, under the project “Multiphysics-Informed Design of Tunable Smart Materials” has been published in CM. This paper introduces a gradient-enhanced Gaussian process metamodel designed to emulate homogenized nonlinear electromechanical constitutive models. The methodology, implemented entirely using Julia, incorporates principal invariants as inputs for the surrogate … Read more