Thematic session “Recent Advances in Shape and Topology optimization” in CMNE2019

Dr. Jesús. Martínez Frutos, Dr. Joan Baiges and Dr. Alex Ferrer are organizing a session at the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering - CMN 2019  that will take place in Guimarães, July 1 - 3, 2019. This mini-symposium aims at bringing together researchers, academics and practicing engineers concerned with the recent advances in shape and topology optimization. From the methodology point of view, the Mini-Symposium welcome the following (not exhaustive) topics:

  • Recent advances in shape and topology optimization under uncertainties.
  • New methods to handle stress and manufacturing constraints.
  • Recent advances in Multiscale topology optimization.
  • New methods to solve multi-objective topology optimization problems.
  • Efficient solution of large scale topology optimization problems.
  • Inclusion of microstructure and internal deffects in topology predictions.
  • Exploiting high-performance computing in topology optimization.
  • New methods of adaptive mesh refinement in topology optimization.

Deadline for Abstracts submission: December 1, 2018.
Deadline for full paper submission (optional): February 28, 2019.

You are all cordially invited to attend this session.